Incorrectly Inferred Type in Generic Closure with Protocol Extension Constrained by Self

Michael Fourre

While trying to implement a function in Swift I ran into an issue where it seems that type inference broke on certain function parameters. Taking notes from other languages, I wanted to implement a function in Swift which takes two parameters: an object and a block which returns another object of the same type as the previous object. I started implementing it like so:

func prepare<T>(_ object: T?, with block: ((T?) -> T?)) -> T? {
    return block(object)

After attempting to use that inside of a UITableViewController class, I experienced an issue with the naming, as it seemed to be struggling with the segue function prepare(for:sender:)

I decided to just change the name to resolve this one (I'll save the above for another question):

func bootstrap<T>(_ object: T?, with block: ((T?) -> T?)) -> T? {
    return block(object)

This name will do for now. So I have a bootstrap(_:with:) function which takes an object and a closure, returning an object of the same type as the object argument. I can call this easily with certain objects, for example an Int:

bootstrap(1, with: { $0 + 1 })  // returns 2

This of course isn't what the function is there for, however. So I used it in its actual intended application, where I have a small UIView-derived class with a single member:

class ContactDetailHeaderView: UIView, Nibbable {
    var user: User?

This is fetched from a nib using the following protocol extension function on the Nibbable protocol:

extension Nibbable where Self: UIResponder {
    static func getRoot(withOwner owner: Any, options: [AnyHashable:Any]? = nil) -> Self? {
        return self.nib.instantiate(withOwner: owner, options: options).first as? Self

With this, we can retrieve an object from nib (our UINibobject for this class) and cast it as Self which in this case is ContactDetailHeaderView. Then, we can use our previously declared function to setup the object. We do this inside of a UITableViewController-derived class ContactDetailTableViewController which I will condense for the purpose of this question:

class ContactDetailTableViewController: UITableViewController {
    var user: User?

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.tableView.backgroundView = bootstrap(ContactDetailHeaderView.getRoot(withOwner: self), with: { $0?.user = self.user })

However, we get an error invoking this function:

Value of type 'UIView' has no member 'user'

This is unexpected. Our getRoot(withOwner:options:) function should return Self which is ContactDetailHeaderView, right?

Let's expand on the type inference by replacing the shorthand arguments with named parameters and explicitly defined types:

bootstrap(ContactDetailHeaderView.getRoot(withOwner: self),
    with: { (header: ContactDetailHeaderView?) -> ContactDetailHeaderView? in
        header?.user = self.user

Surely there is no way that our object can be interpreted as UIView now? Well, we still get the same error:

Value of type 'UIView' has no member 'user'

Why does this happen? Even when I check the autocomplete in Xcode, the header argument here shows the user member as a valid accessible property. Using the getRoot(withOwner:options:) function elsewhere produces the expected result:

ContactDetailHederView.getRoot(withOwner: self)?.user = self.user

Then why does it not work inside the bootstrap(_:with:) closure? Is this a bug? Is there something else I'm missing?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'll attach a gist with enough code to reproduce the problem in a playground. For simplicity's sake, I'll replace some of the unnecessary bits with something more manageable (e.g. change user type from User which is an internal object to String which is available in the standard library)

Please keep in mind that this question is not about what the function does or why it does it. There are plenty of ways to implement the same thing, many of which are likely far better. I would like to solve this compiler error regardless of whether or not I even use this function in its current form.

Rob Napier

Please keep in mind that this question is not about what the function does or why it does it. There are plenty of ways to implement the same thing, many of which are likely far better. I would like to solve this compiler error regardless of whether or not I even use this function in its current form.

Good, because this has way too many optionals. But it's easy to fix (it's just really hard to understand because it's too complicated).

bootstrap is supposed to return a T?. You pass it this:

{ (header: ContactDetailHeaderView?) -> ContactDetailHeaderView? in
    header?.user = self.user

That returns Void. That causes the type engine to run down all kinds of rabbit holes (especially since any T can become T?). The fix is to return T:

{ (header: ContactDetailHeaderView?) -> ContactDetailHeaderView? in
    header?.user = self.user
    return header

In your gist, this would be:

self.tableView.backgroundView = bootstrap(ContactDetailHeaderView.getRoot(withOwner: self), 
                                with: { $0?.user = self.user; return $0 })

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