How can i make this signature view more clear and less blur?

jay patel

How can I make this signature view that should have optimal clarity when user drawing on it. I use this code to draw on image using CoreGraphics. Currently it coming like this and I want like another one. Help me with that. Below is the code snippet .

I am getting image like this link

Have This.

I want image to more clear like this link

Want this.

var lastPoint:CGPoint!
var isSwiping:Bool!
var isEditedImage = false
var lineWidth:CGFloat = 3.0
var lineOpacity:CGFloat = 1.0
var lineColor =

override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,
                          with event: UIEvent?){
    isSwiping    = false
    if let touch = touches.first{
        lastPoint = touch.location(in: signView)

override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,
                           with event: UIEvent?){

    isSwiping = true
    if let touch = touches.first{
        let currentPoint = touch.location(in: signView)
        self.signView.image?.draw(in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.signView.frame.size.width, height: self.signView.frame.size.height))
        UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()?.move(to: CGPoint(x: lastPoint.x, y: lastPoint.y))
        UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()?.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: currentPoint.x, y: currentPoint.y))
        UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()?.beginTransparencyLayer(auxiliaryInfo: nil)
        self.signView.image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
        lastPoint = currentPoint
        isEditedImage = true

override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>,
                           with event: UIEvent?){

    if(!isSwiping) {
        // This is a single touch, draw a point
        self.signView.image?.draw(in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.signView.frame.size.width, height: self.signView.frame.size.height))
        UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()?.beginTransparencyLayer(auxiliaryInfo: nil)
        self.signView.image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

The amount of detail (vs. pixellation) in a graphics context depends on the context's scale. You are wrongly calling UIGraphicsBeginImageContext, so you are failing to provide a scale. Always call UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions so that you can provide a higher scale. (Don't make it too high, though; a higher-scale context requires exponentially more memory.)

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