Large Integer ID matching

Huanian Zhang

I have a ten digit ID for my target, meanwhile I have a bunch of ID's for my potential pairs with the target. The ID for the potential pairs is either -1 if they are not a pair or the target ID if they are a pair. For example,

 ID_target = 1234567890
 ID_potential = np.array([-1, -1, 1234567890, -1, -1, 1234567890, -1, 1234567890, -1, -1, -1, -1])

We can easily tell that there are three pairs. However, how to find the pairs and return the index of the pairs? I tried the following but failed:

 np.where(ID_potential == ID_target)

It should return the following index:

 pair_index = [2,5,7]

I also do not quite understand the above command does not do the correct thing.

AGN Gazer

Based on @COLDSPEED comment. Changed conversion of ID_potential to numpy array:

>>> np.flatnonzero(np.asarray(ID_potential) == ID_target).tolist()
[2, 5, 7]

Another version:

>>> np.where(np.equal(ID_potential, ID_target))[0].tolist()

If this does not work in your actual code, then most likely there is a type mismatch between ID_potential and ID_target in your actual code/data or some of the data are floating point and therefore strict equality may not hold. In that case use numpy.isclose().

Just to make the code more resilient to mistakes, try this version:


or, if the values are actually float - replace above with np.float and np.equal with np.isclose():

np.where(np.isclose(np.asarray(ID_potential, dtype=np.float), np.float(ID_target)))[0].tolist()

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