Adding a MySQL Index to a column/s using Symfony3 and XML


I have the following XML file in Symfony3 and I would like to add a MYSQL index to the column videoPublisherDate as I will be querying it quite a bit and ordering based upon it. I can add it manually via PHPMYADMIN but I was wondering how a can update the xml below so that it can be done automatically.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<doctrine-mapping xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <entity name="AppBundle\Entity\Videos" table="videos">
        <unique-constraint columns="video_id" name="search_idx_videos" />
    <id name="id" type="integer" column="id">
      <generator strategy="IDENTITY"/>
    <field name="videoSource" type="text" column="video_source" length="65535" nullable="false">
        <option name="fixed"/>
    <field name="videoId" type="string" column="video_id" length="50" nullable="false">
        <option name="fixed"/>
    <field name="videoTitle" type="text" column="video_title" length="65535" nullable="false">
        <option name="fixed"/>
    <field name="videoImage" type="text" column="video_image" length="65535" nullable="false">
        <option name="fixed"/>
    <field name="videoPublisher" type="text" column="video_publisher" length="65535" nullable="false">
        <option name="fixed"/>
    <field name="videoPublisherId" type="text" column="video_publisher_id" length="65535" nullable="false">
        <option name="fixed"/>
    <field name="videoPublisherDate" type="text" column="video_publisher_date" length="65535" nullable="false">
        <option name="fixed"/>
    <field name="videoLength" type="integer" column="video_length" nullable="false">
        <option name="unsigned"/>
    <field name="videoActive" type="integer" column="video_active" nullable="false">
        <option name="unsigned"/>
        <option name="default">1</option>
    <field name="videoTags" type="text" column="video_tags" length="65535" nullable="false">
        <option name="fixed"/>

You can add your indexes in the xml definition, just like you do with your unique constraints:

    <index name="name_videoPublisherDate" columns="video_publisher_date"/>

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