Invalid column name for table type parameter


I have a table type which is used in a stored procedure to filter out values.

     PackageId VARCHAR(150)  

My stored procedure is this:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spLocalGetValuesFromTable]    
     @RundateStart datetime,
     @RundateEnd datetime,
     @CreationIds PackageIdType READONLY  
     SELECT * 
     WHERE date BETWEEN @RundateStart AND @RundateEnd 
       AND Ids IN (@CreationIds)

But when I run this getting error:

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spLocalGetValuesFromTable, Line --[Batch Start Line 0]
Invalid column name '@CreationIds'


It's a table, so the correct syntax would be

WHERE date Between @RundateStart And @RundateEnd 
  AND Ids in (SELECT PackageId FROM @CreationIds)

This assumes that each row in the table @CreationIds is an Id that can map to the same type as Ids in MYTABLE.

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