Set a table to show Information depending multiple selections


What I need is to display some info depending on multiple values or selections

For example I need to choose a amount of money($1, $10, $50) then a period of time ( 1 day, 10 days, 50 days) and depending of those two values show some information.

The second value (time) change by the first value ( amount of money ) and the final information, depend on the combination of both.

I'm new to javascript and html so I really have idea where to start, thanks in advance.


As long as your values are all static, this is doable with just html and js.

HTML - make a spot for the two selections and for the result:

<fieldset id="moneyRadios">
    <input id="oneDollar" type="radio" name="money" value="1"><label for="oneDollar">$1</label>
    <input id="tenDollar" type="radio" name="money" value="10"><label for="tenDollar">$10</label>
    <input id="fiftyDollar" type="radio" name="money" value="50"><label for="fiftyDollar">$50</label>
<fieldset id="dayRadios">
<div id="result"></div>

JS - first make the money radios do something when clicked

var moneyInputs = document.getElementById('moneyRadios').getElementsByTagName('input');
    for (var i =0; i < moneyInputs.length; i++)
        moneyInputs[i].addEventListener('click',moneyClicked, false);

Second, send which money radio was clicked and clear the result

function moneyClicked(moneyRadios) {
        var moneySelected = document.querySelector('input[name = "money"]:checked').value;
        document.getElementById('result').innerHTML ='';

Now, you said that the day options would change depending on which money value the user picks, but you only gave one set of day options. I made up some day options for each money value, so modify dayOptions to your needs with the format 'moneyValue':[dayOption1,dayOption2,dayOption3]. Then use the money value to make some Day radios and put them in the appropriate fieldset. Then add a click event to the newly made radios.

function setDayOptions(dollars){
        var dayOptions = {'1':[1,10,50], '10':[2,20,100], '50':[3,30,150]};
        var daysFieldset = document.getElementById('dayRadios');
        var selectedDayOptions = dayOptions[dollars];
        for (var i = 0; i < selectedDayOptions.length; ++i) {

            var dayRad = document.createElement('input');

            var dayRadLabel = document.createElement('label');
            var labelText = document.createTextNode(selectedDayOptions[i]+' Days');

        var dayInputs = document.getElementById('dayRadios').getElementsByTagName('input');
        for (var i =0; i < dayInputs.length; i++)
            dayInputs[i].addEventListener('click',dayClicked, false);

Finally, do something when a day radio is clicked. You can use the selected values to generate a table, or show a particular pre-made table, or whatever you like. I just displayed the selections and made a rate out of them.

function dayClicked(){
        var moneySelected = document.querySelector('input[name = "money"]:checked').value;
        var daysSelected = document.querySelector('input[name = "day"]:checked').value;
        var rate = moneySelected/daysSelected;
        document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = '<p>Money: $'+moneySelected+' Days: '+daysSelected+' is $'+rate+' per day</p>';

You can see all the code working here:

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