MySQL Count and SUM from second table with group by


I'm trying to get sales and quantity sale by crossing two tables, group by the first one and sum from the second one.

First table has sales/operations: id_sales, sales_rep Second table has sales details: id_sales_details, id_sales, quantity

What I need to know is how many operations had each sales_rep and what was the total quantity sum of all those sales.

This MySQL query gives me the first part:

SELECT sales.sales_rep, count(*) AS sales
from sales
Group by sales_rep
Order by sales DESC

What I cannot solve is how to add to that query the second part I need. The result should look something like:

sales_rep    sales    quantity
Claire             4          13
Peter              2          18
Mary              1           8
John              1           7

Here's a Fiddle to make things clearer:!9/708234/5

SELECT s.sales_rep, count(*) AS operations, sum(d.quantity)
  from sales s, sales_details d 
   where s.id_sales = d.id_sales 
   Group by s.sales_rep 
   Order by operations DESC;

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