Updating multiple documents with specific filters using pymongo


I would like to update multiple documents in a mongoDB database using pymongo. I have this data:

data_to_be_updated = [
    {"sourceID" : 6, "source" : "test", "name" : "simon"},
    {"sourceID" : 8, "source" : "test", "name" : "greg"},
    {"sourceID" : 9, "source" : "test", "name" : "julie"},
    {"sourceID" : 10, "source" : "test", "name" : "john"}
sourceIDs = [6, 8, 9, 10]

I would like to update each of the elements in data_to_be_inserted, filtering them by their sourceID. I have tried using the update_many function, but it updates all documents matching a single filter. I could of course use a for loop like this:

for item in data_to_be_updated:
    collection.update_one({"sourceID": item["sourceID"]}, item})

The above method uses to many calls. How do i achieve the same in a single call to the database?

A. Jesse Jiryu Davis

Use bulk_write. Something like this, depending on exactly what fields need to be updated:

from pymongo.operations import UpdateOne

data_to_be_updated = [
    {"sourceID": 6, "source": "test", "name": "simon"},
    {"sourceID": 8, "source": "test", "name": "greg"},
    {"sourceID": 9, "source": "test", "name": "julie"},
    {"sourceID": 10, "source": "test", "name": "john"}

result = collection.bulk_write([
    UpdateOne(filter={'sourceID': d['sourceID']},
              update={'$set': {'name': d['name'],
                               'source': d['source']}})
    for d in data_to_be_updated])


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