Is there any easy way to reverse this hash function?

Hoe Miller

I've got the following python method, it gets a string and returns an integer. I'm looking for the correct input that will print "Great Success!"

input = "XXX"
def enc(pwd):
    inc = 0
    for i in range(1, len(pwd) + 1):
        _1337 = pwd[i - 1]
        _move = ord(_1337) - 47
        if i == 1:
            inc += _move
            inc += _move * (42 ** (i - 1))
    return inc

if hex(enc(input)) == 0xEA9D1ED352B8:
    print "Great Success!"
Paul Hankin

It's encoding the input in base 42 (starting from chr(47) which is '/'), and easy to decode:

def dec(x):
    while x:
        yield chr(47 + x % 42)
        x //= 42

print ''.join(dec(0xEA9D1ED352B8))

The output is: ?O95PIVII

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