AngularJS calling from Parent to Child Directive controller function


I am use to working in Angular and now I am on AngularJS ( The otherway round)

I've a directive:

<li  ng-mouseover="vm.setCurrentEditedTile(">
   <panel-buttons-directive ></panel-buttons-directive>

My panel-buttons-directive has a controller called ButtonsController. What I would like when user hovers on top of <li> element, it run a function that is inside the child controller. So that I have a separate "Module" where I have buttons HTML in the directive and function in the controller and from the parent I can call the function.



One approach is to have the directive publish an API when initialized:

<fieldset ng-mouseover="pbdAPI.setCurrentEditedTile(">
  Mouseover Me

<panel-buttons-directive on-init="pbdAPI=$API">
app.directive("panelButtonsDirective", function() {
  return {
    scope: { onInit: '&' },
    bindToController: true,
    controller: ButtonsController,
    controllerAs: '$ctrl',
    template: `<h3>Panel Buttons Component</h3>
               <p>Current edited tile = {{$}}</p>
  function ButtonsController() {
    var $ctrl = this;
    var API = { setCurrentEditedTile: setCurrentEditedTile };
    this.$onInit = function() {
      this.onInit({$API: API});
    function setCurrentEditedTile(id) {
      $ = id;

The directive in the above example uses expression & binding to publish its API when initialized.


.directive("panelButtonsDirective", function() {
  return {
    scope: { onInit: '&' },
    bindToController: true,
    controller: ButtonsController,
    controllerAs: '$ctrl',
    template: `<h3>Panel Buttons Component</h3>
               <p>Current edited tile = {{$}}</p>
  function ButtonsController() {
    var $ctrl = this;
    var API = { setCurrentEditedTile: setCurrentEditedTile };
    this.$onInit = function() {
      this.onInit({$API: API});
    function setCurrentEditedTile(id) {
      $ = id;
<script src="//"></script>
  <body ng-app="app">
    <h3>Mouseover Component DEMO</h3>
    <p><input ng-model="" ng-init="'tile0'"/></p>
    <fieldset ng-mouseover="pbdAPI.setCurrentEditedTile(">
      Mouseover Me
    <panel-buttons-directive on-init="pbdAPI=$API">

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