How to define interface for class in TypeScript?


I have to specify all actions in interface whitch should be realized in class.

I transfered to TypeScript from PHP.

Creating interfaces in PHP is very easy:

interface iTemplate
    public function move($name, $var);


Class is:

Class Mover inmpelments iTemplate {
    function move($name, $var){}

How to do that in TypeScript? For example, I have class User, that can:

edit profile
see users
Tom Cumming
interface MyInterface {
    editProfile(profileId: number): void;
    seeUsers(): object[];
    etc: string;

class MyImplementation implements MyInterface{
    editProfile(profileId: number): void {
        throw 'todo';

    seeUsers(): object[] {
        throw 'todo';

    readonly etc = 'something else'; 

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