Implicitly unwrapped optional from init!() in Swift 3.1

Robo Robok

I'm trying to understand how init!() works in Swift. Here's my test:

struct InitTest {
    var text: String
    init!(text: String) {
        self.text = text

let testResult = InitTest(text: "Hello!")

For my understanding, testResult should be of type InitTest (unwrapped), but it's actually still InitTest?.

How is init!() different from init?() then?

Martin R

InitTest(text: "Hello!") returns an implicitly unwrapped optional, which is an optional that is unwrapped if necessary. For example you can access its properties without explicit unwrapping

let string = InitTest(text: "Hello!").text

or pass it to functions taking a (non-optional) InitTest argument:

func foo(_ x: InitTest) { }
foo(InitTest(text: "Hello"))

But the assignment

let testResult = InitTest(text: "Hello!")

makes testResult a regular ("strong") optional, see SE-0054 Abolish ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional type and Implicitly unwrapped optional assign in Xcode 8:

If the expression can be explicitly type checked with a strong optional type, it will be.

Actually I cannot think of a good reason to define an init!() method.

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