Asynchronously convert byte array into bitmap in Xamarin.Android

VCS User

I am retrieving a set of images of a server and the images are stored in string form. How I'm doing this is:

String imageString = jObject.GetString("Image");
byte[] imageAsBytes = Base64.Decode(imageString, Base64Flags.Default);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(imageAsBytes, 0, 
bitmap = null;

This is apparently very slow. The screens that have a lot of images needing to be retrieved have an 8 second load time.

As a result, I was wondering if I could do the "DecodeByteArray()" asynchronously somehow, as this is what takes the most time.

I know it is possible, but I am unsure of how to approach this as I am fairly new to Android and Xamarin

Jordy Dieltjens

So if I understand you correctly you want to do the decoding in the background? If so you can start a background task with:

     Task.Run(() =>
          //Code here

edit It seems you more interested in making the image load faster in your application. I would suggest taking a look at:

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