How does this weird monad bind work?

Luís Hendrix

This is probably a very noob question but I was playing around with the bind operator in Haskell and I encountered a way to repeat a string using it.

[1..3] >>= const "Hey"
-- Yields "HeyHeyHey"
[1..3] >>= return "Hey"
-- Also yields the same result

I understand how >>= (\_ -> return "Hey") would yield ["Hey", "Hey", "Hey"] but I don't understand why (\_ -> "Hey") repeats the string or why >>= return "Hey" does the same thing.


I understand how >>= (\_ -> return "Hey") would yield ["Hey", "Hey", "Hey"]

right. return "Hey" is in this case the same as ["Hey"], because

instance Monad [] where
  return x = [x]


([1..3] >>= \_ -> return "Hey")
  ≡  ([1..3] >>= \_ -> ["Hey"])
  ≡  ["Hey"] ++ ["Hey"] ++ ["Hey"]
  ≡  ["Hey", "Hey", "Hey"]

Now, >>= (\_ -> "Hey") can also be be written with a list-result in the lambda, because strings are just lists of characters.

([1..3] >>= \_ -> "Hey")
  ≡  ([1..3] >>= \_ -> ['H','e','y'])
  ≡  ['H','e','y'] ++ ['H','e','y'] ++ ['H','e','y']
  ≡  ['H','e','y','H','e','y','H','e','y']
  ≡  "HeyHeyHey"

As for >>= return "Hey", that's a different beast. The return belongs to a completely different monad here, namely the function functor.

instance Monad (x->) where
  return y = const y

Hence it's kind of clear that ([1..3] >>= const "Hey") and ([1..3] >>= return "Hey") give the same result: in that example, return is just another name for const!

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