Scripting bash with Ruby and Variables to run FFMPEG command


I'm trying to create a simply ruby script to run an ffmpeg command through bash to convert an audio file from one format to another.

the command is ffmpeg -i (in file) -acodec libmp3lame -ab 64k -ar 48000 -ac 1 AAA_S00E00_Podcast.mp3

I have a ruby script with the right permissions and that I can call (tested it with a system ls call before moving onto the ffmpeg attempt)


def mkmp3( one = "", two = "" )
    system "ffmpeg -i #{one} -acodec libmp3lame -ab 64k -ar 48000 -ac 1 #{two}.mp3"


but when I call it from bash trying to convert a file called session.flac to smoochie.mp3 I get back:

mkmp3.rb ('session.flac', 'smoochie')
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `'session.flac','

The error is because you are using parenthesis ( and ) to add arguments to your ruby script. Remove them and the error will be gone; in fact, you only need to specify your strings separated by a space (otherwise you will get the comma , as a string):

$ mkmp3.rb session.flac smoochie

Now, to use those parameters you need to add ARGV in your script, like this:


def mkmp3( one = ARGV[0], two = ARGV[1] )
    system "ffmpeg -i #{one} -acodec libmp3lame -ab 64k -ar 48000 -ac 1 #{two}.mp3"


ARGV will contain an array of strings with the arguments you added, consider this script (test.rb):


puts ARGV.inspect

Execute the script:

$ ruby so.rb one two

And the output will be:

["one", "two"]

So you access each value using the array index (i.e. ARGV[0] and ARGV[1]).

Collected from the Internet

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