React Element change class onClick

Bogdan Daniel

I have created a custom pagination in React: I basically have in the container pagination which will be visible only when data is received:

    {this.state.displayTweets.length != 0 && <Pagination pageCount={this.state.pageCount} pagination={this.pagination.bind(this)}/>}

This is the function that is called when a pagination item is clicked:

        if(data == -1 && offset>0){
            offset -= perPage
            this.setState({displayTweets: this.state.tweets.slice(offset,offset+perPage)})
        } else if(data == 0 && pageNumber < this.state.pageCount) {
            pageNumber += 1
            offset += perPage
            this.setState({displayTweets: this.state.tweets.slice(offset,offset+perPage)});
        } else if(data > 0 && data < this.state.pageCount){
            pageNumber = data
            offset = perPage*(data-1)
            this.setState({displayTweets: this.state.tweets.slice(offset,perPage*data)});
        console.log("Page number: "+pageNumber)
        console.log("Offset: "+offset)

And here is the actual Pagination component:

import React from 'react';

const PageLi = (props) => {
    let pages = [];
    for (let i = 1; i <= props.pageCount; i++) {
        pages.push(<li className="page-item" onClick={() => { props.pagination(i)}} key={i}><a className="page-link">{i}</a></li>);
    return (
        <nav aria-label="Page navigation example">
            <ul className="pagination">
                <li className="page-item" onClick={() => { props.pagination(-1)}}><a className="page-link">Previous</a></li>
                <li className="page-item"><a onClick={() => { props.pagination(0)}} className="page-link">Next</a></li>

export default PageLi;

Everything works as expected. Now I would like that when I click on a pagination item to change the class from page-item to page-item-active and remove the active part from the previously clicked one. How can I do this in React? I know that I can set states, but to have a state for each page number would be stupid.

Tharaka Wijebandara

You can store and maintain your current page number also in your state and then pass it as a prop to PageLi component. Then you can do something as follows to change the class based on current page number.

let pages = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= props.pageCount; i++) {
      className={i === props.pageNumber ? "page-item-active" : "page-item"}
      onClick={() => {
      <a className="page-link">{i}</a>

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