awk + how to count words in the first field


I have file as the following file on rhel 7.2 machine

more file.txt


we want to sum the words in the file with the quantity as the follwing expected results

car12 - 5
car55 - 3
car87 - 1
car98 - 1
car65 - 2

how to sum the above words with their quantity with awk ?


You don't really need awk for this, you can simply do:

$ sort file | uniq -c
      5 car12
      3 car55
      2 car65
      1 car87
      1 car98

But yes, it is possible in awk also:

$ awk '{a[$1]++}END{for(word in a){print word" - "a[word]}}' file 
car55 - 3
car65 - 2
car87 - 1
car12 - 5
car98 - 1

With GNU awk (gawk), one may even use a few predefined sortings regarding how the array is traversed, and by extension how it is printed. If you use PROCINFO["sorted_in"]="@ind_str_asc", that will cause the results to be printed in the order from most seen to least:

$ awk '{a[$1]++} 
       END { 
        for(word in a){print word" - "a[word]}
       }' file
car12 - 5
car55 - 3
car65 - 2
car87 - 1
car98 - 1

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