Set value to a class object which is property of another class - Objective c


It's difficult for me to express my problem so I will write a simple example of it. I have 2 classes, MyclassA and MyclassB.

@interface MyclassA
@property (nonatomic, assign) int *ID;
@property (nonatomic, strong) MyclassB *secondclass;

@implementation MyclassA

self.ID = 1;
MyclassB *sec = [[MyclassB alloc] init];
sec.age = 10;
sec.weight = 35;
self.secondclass = sec;

return self;


@interface MyclassB
@property (nonatomic, assign) int age;
@property (nonatomic, assign) int weight;

When I place a breakpoint at

return self;

the value of self.secondclass is null.

What am I doing wrong?

Jitendra Solanki

You are creating a new object of the MyClassB. You should initialize the property secondClass in the init method instead of assigning the reference of another instance of MyClassB.

  self.ID = 1;
  self.secondclass = [[MyclassB alloc] init];
  self.secondclass.age = 10;
  self.secondclass.weight = 35;

  return self;

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