Getting variable OUT of jquery.each() function


I have the following search function:

function filter() {
    $("table#list tr").each(function () {
        var search = $("#search").val();
        var name = $(this).find("").html();
        var email = $(this).find("").html();
        var ref = $(this).find("span.reference").html();
        var match = false;
        var count = 0;
        if((name != undefined) && (email != undefined) && (ref != undefined)) {
            if(name.indexOf(search) >= 0) match = true;
            if(email.indexOf(search) >= 0) match = true;
            if(ref.indexOf(search) >= 0) match = true;
            if(match) {
            } else {
    $("#result-count").html(count + " results found.");

However on the last line, count is undefined, because I created it inside the function. How can I get the value outside of the $.each function?

Edit: I also just realized I'm resetting the count inside the loop so it will always = 0! How can I count the results properly?

Rory McCrossan

Declare count outside the each block. Also note that you can tidy up the logic a little too:

var count = 0;

$("table#list tr").each(function () {
  var search = $("#search").val();
  var name = $(this).find("").html();
  var email = $(this).find("").html();
  var ref = $(this).find("span.reference").html();

  if (name == undefined || email == undefined || ref == undefined)

  if (name.indexOf(search) >= 0 || email.indexOf(search) >= 0 || ref.indexOf(search) >= 0) {
  } else {

$("#result-count").html(count + " results found.");

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