How to return an object created in a function?


I apologize if my title is confusing in any way. I'm trying to figure out how to properly do this. I'm trying to create an object whos key:values are other objects. See the code below. I'm testing in the Chrome console.

If I just do Characters = CharactersFn("male"); or var Characters = CharactersFn("male"); by itself I can create the object from the CharactersFn() function but when I try to do it via my whatAreYou() function I get no results. How do I do this properly?

Note: I'm still learning and just trying to get a grasp on how to do things properly.

var Characters,
    valueArr = [],      
    nameArr = [],           
    matchArr = [];

var CharactersFn = function (ans) {     //Are you male or female?   
    "use strict";
    if (ans === "male") {
        Characters = {
            47: aloy,
            snake: snake,
            drake: drake,
            cloud: cloud

    if (ans === "female") {
        Characters = {
            aloy: aloy,
            bayonetta: bayonetta,
            elizabeth: elizabeth,
            ellie: ellie
    return Characters;

function whatAreYou() {
    "use strict";
    var gender = prompt("0 or 1");

    if (gender === 0) {
        Characters = CharactersFn("female");
    if (gender === 1) {
        Characters = CharactersFn("male");
        return Characters;
var gender = prompt("0 or 1");
if (gender === 0) {
if (gender === 1) {

The prompt function returns a string. The result will never match either of your if statements.

You need to compare to "0" and "1" not 0 and 1.

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