Cannot invoke value of type


I was trying to append my Point array with some data, although I got an error of type, shown below. Appreciate any help, thanks!

for i in slew {
    var x = i[0]
    var y = i[1]
        pointsArray.append(Points.GetPoint(origin:Points.Point(x:x,y:y))) //Cannot invoke value of type 'Points.GetPoint.Type' with argument list '(origin: Points.Point)'


class Points: NSObject {
    struct Point {
        var x = Double(0.0)
        var y = Double(0.0)

    struct GetPoint {
        var origin = Point()

        var point: Point {
            get {
                let x = origin.x
                let y = origin.y
                return Point(x:x, y:y)

This is how the code should look like, not sure if you wanted to do a factory with the GetPoints, but this is not a swift pattern.

for i in slew {
    var x = i[0]
    var y = i[1]

class Points: NSObject {
    struct Point {
        var x = Double(0.0)
        var y = Double(0.0)

To make it even more swifty you can use CGPoint instead of your own point and make the for into a map.

pointsArray = { CGPoint(x: $0[0], y: $0[1]) }

Collected from the Internet

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