Creating multiple rows from single row on specified conditions in hive

Manish Vishnoi

I am trying to implement Null check. For e.g :

Col_A | Col_B | Col_C | Col_D
null  | boy   | null  | dust

Then I want output as :

Col_A | Col_B | Col_C | Col_D | New_Col
null  | boy   | null  | dust  | Col_A failed null check
null  | boy   | null  | dust  | Col_D failed null check

What is the proper way to do this ?

David דודו Markovitz
select t.*
      ,concat(elt(e.pos+1,'Col_A','Col_B','Col_C','Col_D'),' failed null check') as New_Col
from   mytable t lateral view posexplode (array(Col_A,Col_B,Col_C,Col_D)) e
where  e.val is null

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