Windows 10 as guest not activated inside virtualbox with Ubuntu 18.04 as host


I have a laptop with Windows 10 came pre-installed. I formatted my hd and disabled secure boot. Then installed Ubuntu 18.04 I then installed virtualbox with Windows 10 as guest. I went to setting and found that Windows 10 is not activated. I also deleted secure keys info in bios accidentally.

Would my above steps rend me losing Windows 10 license? I need to use Visual Studio Code now. This could be a huge problem. Thanks.


It depends whether you activated a license with you Microsoft account. When yes, then simply login to Windows using your account. If you are trying to transfer OEM license to Virtualbox, then you are going the wrong way. For activating inside Virtualbox you will need a retail license. There are plenty of websites where you can get a license for a reasonable price. The question is whether you need it right now, because a standard installation of Windows 10 allows a trial period of 90 days...

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