UDP multicast high % of packet loss


I'm sending packets through a multicast socket.

I'm using the max pratical size for the packets, 65 507 bytes (65,535 − 8 byte UDP header − 20 byte IP header).

However, this results in a 40-50% packet loss, even if the server and client are in the same computer.

After testing out some values, I noticed that I can only get a 0% packet loss if the packet size is less than 10 000 bytes.

Why is that? Is is a limitation on my laptop's network card? Or is it a problem with UDP itself?


I'm using the max pratical size for the packets, 65 507 bytes

No you aren't. 65,507 is the maximum theoretical size. Sizes bigger than this are impossible in IPv4.

The maximum practical size is 534 or thereabouts, whatever is required to never be fragmented. As soon as fragmentation occurs you increase the probability of a datagram loss by the same factor as the number of resulting fragments, as there is nothing in UDP to recover lost fragments.

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