How can I make all the Text children of a View element have the same style?

Luis Rizo

I want to have something similar to CSS, where you can give the 'color' style to a div and any text within it will have it.

I have multiple Text components within a View component and I would like them to all have the same text color.

If I pass a 'color' style to the view it would throw a warning.

I would like to avoid having to pass the same style to all these children when their parent can have the style for all of them.

I would like to go from this:

  <Text style={styles.Warning}>
  <Text style={styles.Warning}>
  <Text style={styles.Warning}>
  <Text style={styles.Warning}>
  <Text style={styles.Warning}>

to this:

<View style={styles.Warning}>

With the styles being:

const styles = StyleSheet.create({

(It would be better if I don't have to install anything) Thank you.

Neel Gala

Yes, you can definitely do the same you want. The only part you are missing is having the Text container inside he View container.


 <Text style={{color:'red'}}>
     text1 // will inherit red color
     text2 // will inherit red color

For further information you can also check out the link

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