Hive extract data from Nested Array

Nirmal Prabhu

Hi need to extract data from an array of array, Im using Athena

create external table test
customer string
Location 'something-something'

The single row of this table is,

select * from customer limit 1

{ "ID": "XXXX", "USerDate": { "items": [{ "Name": "Nir", "CLG": "NPT", "Place": "CBE", "Any Group": {}, "Interest": { "items": [{ "Games": "Cricket", "Music": "AR" }] }, "Others": {} }] } }

I need to extract the row as like

| ID | Name | Place | Games| Music |


David דודו Markovitz
select  json_extract_scalar(customer,'$.ID')    as ID
       ,json_extract_scalar(i1.item,'$.Name')   as Name
       ,json_extract_scalar(i1.item,'$.Place')  as Place
       ,json_extract_scalar(i2.item,'$.Games')  as Games
       ,json_extract_scalar(i2.item,'$.Music')  as Music

from    test

        cross join unnest (cast(json_extract(customer,'$.USerDate.items') 
            as array(json))) as i1 (item)

        cross join unnest (cast(json_extract(i1.item,'$.Interest.items')
            as array(json))) as i2 (item)

  ID  | Name | Place |  Games  | Music
 XXXX | Nir  | CBE   | Cricket | AR

Collected from the Internet

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