MIPS Assembly, matrix multiplication


I'm trying to implement matrix multiplication using MIPS assembly. There is an error on the line "lw $t4, 0($t4)" on the second loop through the k_loop. The error is: "Runtime exception at 0x00400090: fetch address not aligned on word boundary 0x1000fffd". Could someone explain what the error means and what I could do to fix it? Thank you.

matrixA:    .word 1,2,3,4,5,6   #Content of matrixA in array form
matrixB:    .word 5,6,7,8,9,10  #Content of matrixB in array form
sizeA:      .word 3,2       #Defines matrixA as being a 3x2 matrix
sizeB:      .word 2,3       #Defines matrixB as being a 2x3 matrix
result:     .word 0:9       #Initialize result as being an array of length 9 populated with 0
tab:        .asciiz "\t"
newLine:    .asciiz "\n"
            .globl _main

_main:  la $s0, matrixA     #s0 set to base address of matrixA
        la $s1, matrixB     #s1 set to base address of matrixB
        la $s2, sizeA       #s2 set to base address of sizeA
        lw $s3, 4($s2)      #s3 set to second val in sizeA (col #)
        lw $s2, 0($s2)      #s2 set to first val in sizeA (row #)
        la $s4, sizeB       #s4 set to base address of sizeB
        lw $s5, 4($s4)      #s5 set to second val in sizeB (col #)
        lw $s4, 0($s4)      #s4 set to first val in sizeB (row #)
        la $s6, result      #s6 set to base adress of result
        add $s7, $s5, $zero #s7 set to col # in result matrix
        add $t0, $zero, $zero   #Set t0 to zero. i = 0
        add $t1, $zero, $zero   #Set t1 to zero. j = 0
        add $t2, $zero, $zero   #Set t2 to zero. k = 0
        li $t3, 0       #Result position set to zero
i_loop: beq $t0, $s2, i_end #End i_loop if i = rowsA
j_loop: beq $t1, $s5, j_end #End j_loop if j = colsB
k_loop: beq $t2, $s4, k_end #End k_loop if k = rowsB

        #loop body

        li $t4, 0
        li $t5, 0
        li $t6, 0
                            #i * M + k - 1
        mul $t4, $t0, $s3   #i * #col in matrixA
        add $t4, $t4, $t2   #t4 + k
        addi $t4, $t4, -4      #t4 -1
        add $t4, $t4, $s0   #Now points to value at matrixA[i][k]
        lw $t4, 0($t4)      #Loads value at matrixA[i][k]

                    #k * M + j - 1
        mul $t5, $t2, $s5   #k * #col in matrixB
        add $t5, $t5, $t1   #t5 + j
        addi $t5, $t5, -4   #t5 -1
        add $t5, $t5, $s1   #t5 now points to value at matrixB[k][j]
        lw $t5, 0($t5)      #t5 loads value at matrixB[k][j]

                    #i * M + j - 1
        mul $t6, $t0, $s7   #i * #col in result
        add $t6, $t6, $t1   #t6 + j
        addi $t6, $t6, -4   #t6 -1
        add $t6, $t6, $s6   #t6 now points to value at result[i][j]
        lw $t8, 0($t6)      #t6 loads value at result[i][j]

        mul $t7, $t4, $t5   #t7 = matrixA[i][k]*matrixB[k][j]

        add $t9, $t8, $t7   #t8 = result[i][j] + matrixA[i][k]*matrixB[k][j]
        sw $t9, 0($t6)

        #end loop body

        addi $t2, $t2, 1    #k++
        j k_loop        #Return to start of k_loop
        addi $t1, $t1, 1    #j++
        li $t2, 0       #Resets k counter to 0
        j j_loop        #Return to start of j_loop
        addi $t0, $t0, 1    #i++
        li $t1, 0       #Resets j counter to 0
        j i_loop        #Return to start of i_loop

i_end:      #print
Craig Estey

There are three distinct problems, masked by the alignment fault.

You are computing array indexes [for an int array]. Before these can be added to the base address of the matrix, they must be converted into byte offsets.

Otherwise, you'll get [as you did get] an alignment fault because mips requires that addresses for words (i.e. lw/sw) are four byte aligned.

The second problem is when you try to subtract one from index. You're using a value of -4 even though the comment says -1. So, on some level, you're mixing and matching index calculations and offset calculations

Consider a simple 1D int array/vector that starts at address 0x10010000. The index to address mapping would be:

index   offset  address
-----   ------  --------
  0       0     10010000
  1       4     10010004
  2       8     10010008

In your code, you have:

    addi    $t4,$t4,-4              # t4 - 1
    add     $t4,$t4,$s0             # Now points to value at matrixA[i][k]
    lw      $t4,0($t4)              # Loads value at matrixA[i][k]

The final index (e.g. $t4) needs to be multiplied by sizeof(int) [which is 4] before adding in the matrix base address. The idiomatic way to do this is a left shift by 2.

Also, when adding addresses to addresses or offsets to addresses, you should use the unsigned version of add (i.e. addu) to guard against overflow/wrap which can occur for addresses.

    addi    $t4,$t4,-1              # t4 - 1
    sll     $t4,$t4,2               # convert index to byte offset
    addu    $t4,$t4,$s0             # Now points to value at matrixA[i][k]
    lw      $t4,0($t4)              # Loads value at matrixA[i][k]

You'll need to add this extra step whenever/wherever you do these index calculations.

The third problem is the final address 0x1000fffd while not four byte aligned, is also below the lowest address allowed for the .data segment in mars (i.e 0x10010000), so if you hadn't got the alignment fault, you'd be accessing non-existent memory [which will issue a different type of fault]

So, you may want to double check your index calculations for correctness to prevent the equivalent of accessing int myarray[2]; myarray[-1] = 3; [which is UB]

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