Connect a music player in SIP voice call

Joel Franco Guzmán

I need to establish a normal Voip conversation between 2 persons and one of them, using a softphone in Windows, insert audio from a music player which can be controlled by the own user.

The voip server is Asterisk. Maybe do a conference between the users and one of them, using a Windows PC, configure a music player (like VLC) to act as a third party in the conference.

I have investigated the RTP capabilities of VLC, Music on Hold of the Asterisk.

The purpose of the music player is to play a voice record and thus there is no problem with low quality music in the voice channel.

Can you please give ideas to do it?

Thanks :-)



Multiple softphones support this: baresip, tSIP, pjsua. You can also use virtual audio devices, virtual audio mixers or even physical audio mixers.

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