how to append long line (like code) with symbols [)"$&...ect to existing file?


I ask this question after trying all codes shared in the site about this without success,

  1. I have a file that contains a very long text, all the text is in the first line only

  2. I want to append long line with symbols to the end of this file, and my line look like this:

    [{\n"code":"final .net.wifi.WifiManager wifi \u003d\n "typeName":"","palette":"9","type":" ","spec":"Enable WiFi"}]'

I want to append this line that contains symbols such as \n and [{]".... to an existing file in the end of first line.

Arkadiusz Drabczyk

As your line is very complex and contains many escape characters I'd suggest using printf "%q" that some shells such as Bash support. You can use the following short script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

read -r
printf "%q\n" "$REPLY"

Run it and paste your line:

$ ./
[{\n"code":"final .net.wifi.WifiManager wifi \u003d\n "typeName":"","palette":"9","type":" ","spec":"Enable WiFi"}]'
\[\{\\n\"code\":\"final\ .net.wifi.WifiManager\ wifi\ \\u003d\\n\ \"typeName\":\"\"\,\"palette\":\"9\"\,\"type\":\"\ \"\,\"spec\":\"Enable\ WiFi\"\}\]\'

The last line is showed in the form you can use in shell without adding extra escape characters like that:

$ echo \[\{\\n\"code\":\"final\ .net.wifi.WifiManager\ wifi\ \\u003d\\n\ \"typeName\":\"\"\,\"palette\":\"9\"\,\"type\":\"\ \"\,\"spec\":\"Enable\ WiFi\"\}\]\' >> FILE
$ cat FILE
[{\n"code":"final .net.wifi.WifiManager wifi \u003d\n "typeName":"","palette":"9","type":" ","spec":"Enable WiFi"}]'

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