Accessing json elements gives undefined error


I have the following JSON:

    "list": {
        "q": "raw",
        "sr": "28",
        "ds": "Standard Reference",
        "start": 0,
        "end": 1,
        "total": 1391,
        "group": "",
        "sort": "n",
        "item": [
                "offset": 0,
                "group": "Poultry Products",
                "name": "Chicken, broilers or fryers, dark meat, thigh, meat only, raw",
                "ndbno": "05096",
                "ds": "SR"

But when I try to access elements in this json i keep getting undefined error... I already checked if the JSON is valid and yes the json is valid! Maybe I am accesing the JSON wrong? The JSON is stored in a variable called result. This is how I tried so far:


I also tried:


but both solutions give me the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ds' of undefined

Why is this happening? Any tips or suggestions are welcome!


Is your JSON stored in your variable as a string? Try:


The reason I ask is that the text Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ds' of undefined tells me that your result variable does not have a list property, which your JSON clearly would if it were an object, but it most assuredly would not if you had accidentally forgotten to parse your JSON string.

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