Override only operator*() of iterator of a custom datastructure


I have an array class MyArray with MyArray.
For simplicity, this is the whole code. It works OK.

Current code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<class T> class MyArray;
template<class T>class MyIterator{
    public: int index=0;
    public: MyArray<T>* myArray;
    public: MyIterator<T> operator++(){
        return *this;
    public: T& operator*(){
        return myArray->database[index];
    public: friend bool operator!=(MyIterator<T> b,MyIterator<T> c){
        return b.index!=c.index;
template<class T>class MyArray{
    public: T database[5];
    public: MyArray(){
        database[2]=3; //just fill with something to test
    public: MyIterator<T> begin(){
        MyIterator<T> r;  r.index=0; r.myArray=this;
        return r;
    public: MyIterator<T> end(){
        MyIterator<T> r;  r.index=5; r.myArray=this;
        return r;

Here is its usage :-

int main() {
    MyArray<int> test;
    for(int ele:test){
    return 0;

Problem / requirement

I have specific classes, let's say their names are B and C.
I have a converter from B to C named convertBToC(B).

Now, I want a new datastructure (named MyArray2) that :-

  • act mostly like MyArray<B> ....
  • except that function operator*() of MyArray2's iterator return C instead of B
  • the C that is returned, convert from B using convertBToC(B).

This is the usage that I wished for (#1) :-

MyArray2 test;
//test.push_back(B());  //used like "MyArray<B>"
for(C c:test){          //"C", not "B"
    .... logic about "c" ....  

The above code would work as if I call it like :-

MyArray<B> arr;   
for(B& b: arr){
    C c= convertBToC(b);   //<-- I want to hide this line
    .... logic about "c" .... 

Question: How to code MyArray2?


I want a solution that :- (sorted by priority)

  • efficient (not use std::function and its family)
  • not refer to MyIterator directly (because MyIterator is an internal class)
  • cute (low amounts of statement/line, readable)
  • minimum change to MyArray<T> (if any)

The most related question is here, but it mentions about std::vector.

My poor solutions

Solution 1 (2x inheritance)

Create 2 classes :-

  • MyArray2 derived from MyArray<B>
    Override: begin() or end() - return MyIterator2.

  • MyIterator2 derived from MyIterator<B>
    Override: operator*() - return C (using convertBToC()).


  • Dirty - I have to create 2 classes just to override only 1 function.
  • MyArray2.h code contains the word MyIterator<T>.

Solution 2 (lambda)

Create only 1 class :-

  • MyArray2 derived from MyArray<B>
    new function: iterate() :-

Here is the draft of iterate() :-

template<typename F> MyArray2::iterate( F lamdbaFunction ){
    for(B b: MyArray<B>){
         C c= convertBToC(b);

The usage have to be changed from #1 to be ... (#2)

MyArray2 arr;   
auto lambdaF=[&](C c){     
    .... logic about "c" .... 


  • It sometimes destroy readability. (Lambda sometimes harder to read)
  • It limits coding style. (Sometimes, I prefer range-based loop.)

Another approach would be to use Boost range adaptors, specifically boost::adaptors::transformed.

#include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>

MyArray<B> test;
for(C ele : test | boost::adaptor::transformed(convertBToC)) {
    // something...

Judge how much of an improvement it is yourself. Maybe better put the operator| call inside a new MyArray's member function.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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