Sum pandas dataframe column values based on condition of column name

Jimmy C

I have a DataFrame with column names in the shape of x.y, where I would like to sum up all columns with the same value on x without having to explicitly name them. That is, the value of column_name.split(".")[0] should determine their group. Here's an example:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'x.1': [1,2,3,4], 'x.2': [5,4,3,2], 'y.8': [19,2,1,3], 'y.92': [10,9,2,4]})

   x.1  x.2  y.8  y.92
0    1    5   19    10
1    2    4    2     9
2    3    3    1     2
3    4    2    3     4

The result should be the same as this operation, only I shouldn't have to explicitly list the column names and how they should group.

pd.DataFrame({'x': df[['x.1', 'x.2']].sum(axis=1), 'y': df[['y.8', 'y.92']].sum(axis=1)})

   x   y
0  6  29
1  6  11
2  6   3
3  6   7

You can first create Multiindex by split and then groupby by first level and aggregate sum:

df.columns = df.columns.str.split('.', expand=True)
print (df)
   x      y    
   1  2   8  92
0  1  5  19  10
1  2  4   2   9
2  3  3   1   2
3  4  2   3   4

df = df.groupby(axis=1, level=0).sum()
print (df)
   x   y
0  6  29
1  6  11
2  6   3
3  6   7

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