Parameter object becomes null after being passed to function


I'm new to c#. I'm trying to send a list item as a parameter of a function. Before the moment it is passed the item exists. But inside the function it appears to be null. I would be grateful if anyone could explain me my mistake.

    List<HSCodeData> HSCodeDataList;

    internal void buildHSCodeDocument(List<HSCodeData> initHSCodeDataList)
        HSCodeDataList = initHSCodeDataList;           

        foreach (HSCodeData dataItem in HSCodeDataList)
            if ((dataItem != null)&&(dataItem.HSCode!=""))
                string descriptionString = BuildDescriptionString(dataItem);
                dataItem.ParentHSCode = descriptionString;

    internal string BuildDescriptionString(HSCodeData HSCodeDataItem)
        string descriptionString = HSCodeDataItem.Description + ItemSuggestedDescription(HSCodeDataItem);
        if ((ItemHasParent(HSCodeDataItem.ParentHSCode)) && (HSCodeDataList != null) && (HSCodeDataList.Count != 0))
            descriptionString += BuildDescriptionString(findParentItem(HSCodeDataItem.ParentHSCode));
        return descriptionString;

In buildHSCodeDocument there is no way the argument passed to BuildDescriptionString could be null. But there is a recursive call to BuildDescriptionString where the return value of findParentItem is passed. Probably findParentItem returns null.

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