Multiple counts in a single SQL query


I have these three distinct queries :

  FROM [myDb].[dbo].[Properties] WHERE Bathtub is  null

  FROM [myDb].[dbo].[Properties] WHERE Bathroom is  null

  FROM [myDb].[dbo].[Properties] WHERE Toilet is  null

I want to see their counts in a single query. How can I do that? Thanks.


Use Sub Queries! Learn some basics of SQL

  FROM [myDb].[dbo].[Properties] WHERE Bathtub is  null) AS BathTub,

  FROM [myDb].[dbo].[Properties] WHERE Bathroom is  null) AS Bathroom,

  FROM [myDb].[dbo].[Properties] WHERE Toilet is  null) AS Toilet

Warning Overheads involved in case if you are worried about performance

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