Can't select same row twice in SwiftUI


I have a navigation list with multiple sections and rows. I select a row foo, it navigates to the view I want. However, when I go back to the root view, I can't select row foo. I tap row foo and nothing happens.

I tap row bar and that row sends me to its view. Back to the root view. Then I can't select row bar, but now row foo works.

Is this a bug in SwiftUI or designed behavior? Is there something I need to do to reset views when I leave them?

NavigationView {
            List {
Section(header: shoppingListData.lastItemSection.sectionHeader, footer: shoppingListData.lastItemSection.sectionFooter) {
            ForEach(0..<shoppingListData.lastItemSection.sectionRows.count) { index in
                ShoppingItemRow(shoppingListData: self.shoppingListData,
                                rowItem: self.shoppingListData.lastItemSection.sectionRows[index])

Here is another case with the same problem. I can only select the picker row of the form once. If I go back to the root view and then back again to this view, I can select the picker again.

If I set the pickerStyle to SegmentedPickerStyle(), I can select it multiple times.

struct ShoppingItemPage: View {
    @ObservedObject var shoppingListData: ShoppingListData
    @ObservedObject var shoppingItem: ShoppingItems
    var body: some View {
        Form {
            Section(header: Text("Packages")) {
                HStack {
                    Text("Quantity (\(shoppingItem.myUnit.myName))")

                    TextField("Quantity (\(shoppingItem.myUnit.myName))", value: $shoppingItem.stdQty, formatter: basicFormat)

                    Toggle("Need", isOn: $shoppingItem.needed)
                HStack {
                    Text("Item Name")
                    TextField("Item Name", text: $shoppingItem.myName, onEditingChanged: { (a) in
                    }) {

                Picker(selection: $shoppingItem.urgency, label: Text("Urgency")) {
                    ForEach(Ledgers.ReceiptUrgency.list(), id: \.rawValue) { urgency in

Running XCode Version 11.2.1 (11B500) and iOS 13.3 beta.

Adding ShoppingItemRow for more information

struct ShoppingItemRow: View {

    @ObservedObject var shoppingListData: ShoppingListData
    @ObservedObject var rowItem: ShoppingItems

    var id: UUID {
        return rowItem.uuidKey

    var body: some View {
        NavigationLink(destination: ShoppingItemPage(shoppingListData: shoppingListData, shoppingItem: rowItem)) {
            HStack(alignment: .center) {
                VStack(alignment: .leading)  {
                VStack(alignment: .trailing) {

    var rowName: Text {
        if let msp = rowItem.minStorePackage {
            return Text(msp.brandName).font(.body).fontWeight(.bold)
        // fall through
        return Text(rowItem.myName).font(.body).fontWeight(.bold)

    var rowPrice: Text {
        if let msp = rowItem.minStorePackage {
            let dq = msp.defQty
            let pr = msp.pkgCost(pkgQty: dq)
            return Text(
        } else if let mp = rowItem.minPackage {
            let dq = mp.defQty
            let pr = mp.pkgCost(pkgQty: dq)
            return Text(
        } else {
            return Text("rowPrice Test")
            // return Text("0").hidden() as! Text

    var rowPremium: Text? {
        if let msp = rowItem.minStorePackage {
            let dq = msp.defQty
            let pc = msp.premiumCents(pkgQty: dq)
            if pc == 0 {
                return Text("0").hidden() as? Text
            } else {
                return Text(
        } else {
            return Text("0").hidden() as? Text

    var rowDescription: Text? {
        if let msp = rowItem.minStorePackage {
            let dq = msp.defQty
            let unitText: String
            if msp.pkgInteger {
                if dq == 1 {
                    unitText = "\(msp.pkgSize.basicString()) \(rowItem.myUnit.myName)"
                } else {
                    unitText = "\(dq.basicString()) x [\(msp.pkgSize.basicString()) \(rowItem.myUnit.myName)]"
            } else {
                unitText = "\((dq * msp.pkgSize).basicString()) \(rowItem.myUnit.myName)"
            let thisText = "\(unitText) \(msp.costX()) (\(\(rowItem.myUnit.myName))"
            return Text(thisText).font(.caption)
        } else {
            return Text("").hidden() as? Text

    var rowPremiumDescription: Text? {
        if let msp = rowItem.minStorePackage {
            let dq = msp.defQty
            let premium = msp.premiumCents(pkgQty: dq)
            if premium == 0 {
                return Text("Minimum price at \(shoppingListData.dataStack.currentReceipt.myStore!.longName).").font(.caption)
            } else {
                let mp = rowItem.minPackage!
                return Text("\( cheaper at \(mp.myStore.longName)").font(.caption)
        } else if let mp = rowItem.minPackage {
            let dq = mp.defQty
            let pc = "Minimum price \(mp.pkgCost(pkgQty: dq).cash()) (\( \(rowItem.myUnit.myName)) at "
            let storeName = mp.myStore.longName
            return Text("\(pc)\(storeName)").font(.caption)
        } else {
            return Text("").hidden() as? Text

    var premiumColor: Color {
        if let msp = rowItem.minStorePackage {
            let dq = msp.defQty
            let pc = msp.premiumCents(pkgQty: dq)
            if pc == 0 {
                return Color.yellow
            } else {
                return Color.clear
        } else {
            return Color.clear

Thomas Vos

The bug is fixed by Apple in iOS 13.3 beta 4. Keep in mind that iOS 13.3 was in beta at the time you tested it. It was not a bug in iOS 13.2, so this is nothing to worry about anymore.

Update for iOS 13.3 release:

The bug is fixed on physical devices but is still present on emulator.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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