Jquery .val() function to check the value of radio buttons

Anan Srivastava

Below is my logic to check the value of each of the radio buttons. I am using a part of their id's to get hold of the radio buttons. However, my code is always returning a value based on the value of my first radio button. I want it to return the value of each radio button. For example if radio button clicked is yes, then value returned should be 1. Else, 0. Any body who can update my code please.

$('.YesNoRadio').each(function() {

    if ($('[id*="YesNo_RadioButtonList_"] input[type="radio"]:checked').val() == 1) {



//For yes radio button
<input id="_YesNo_RadioButtonList_0" type="radio" name="YesNo_RadioButtonList" value="1">
//For no
<input id="_YesNo_RadioButtonList_0" type="radio" name="YesNo_RadioButtonList" value="0">

Your selector is incorrect, Remove space from selector. When you use " " it indicates you are targeting child elements i.e. Descendant Selector (“ancestor descendant”)

if($('[id*="YesNo_RadioButtonList_"]:radio:checked').val() == 1)

And, You don't need .each()

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