Centering input box and icon button

Lan Mai

I want to center vertically both of the input box and the icon button. I tried flexbox justify-content and align-content and it still not working. Is there any way in css that i can do this? Thank you.


You have to wrap them with a container div which will have display:flex;. It is always good to use flex-direction property, in your case that would be row.

Then to align the items vertically use align-item:center;. And if you want them to be horizontally centered as well then add justify-content:center; to the css of .container in the example below.

I have used an image as well as a font-awesome icon for search-icon alongside the input box, Since you have not mentioned in the question which one you are using.

.container input{
  margin:0 5px;
.container img{
  margin:0 5px;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div class="container">
  <input type="text" placeholder="Search"/>
  <i class="fa fa-search"></i>
  <img src="">

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