What does Class.this mean?

Vamsi Rao

I do understand that Class.this used in case of nested classes but I came across a code which is using it without any nested classes.

// Find the View that shows the numbers category
TextView numbers = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.numbers);

// Set a click listener on that View
numbers.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
   // The code in this method will be executed when the numbers View is clicked on.
   public void onClick(View view) {
       Intent numbersIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, NumbersActivity.class);

In the line:

 Intent numbersIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, NumbersActivity.class);

Why is MainActivity.this used and why can't we use this.


Because here new View.OnClickListener() is anonymous inner class.

Collected from the Internet

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