JavaScript Method Chaining or Angular $q


I am relatively new to JavaScript, and would appreciate your patience.

I am trying to chain my method calls to run asynchronously, but am a bit stuck.

I have done a lot of searching and tried various methods, but I am missing something.

The idea is to call one method after the other, but only once the first method has resolved.

I am using AngularJs, and I am not sure whether to use $q and $defer, or simple method chaining, or something completely different...

I have seen the below method of chaining:

   return callSecond();
   return callThird();
   //Finally do something with promise, or even return this

And this example of using $q:

app.service("githubService", function ($http, $q) {

    var deferred = $q.defer();

    this.getAccount = function () {
        return $http.get('')
            .then(function (response) {
                // promise is fulfilled
                // promise is returned
                return deferred.promise;
            }, function (response) {
                // the following line rejects the promise 
                // promise is returned
                return deferred.promise;

Below is my main function, and which method would be best for my purposes, and how would I implement the best solution?

NOTE: At this stage in my controller, my data has already been returned from my API call, and I am simply using the data to populate graphs and data grids:

function formatDataAccordingToLocation(dataFromAPI) {

    $scope.dataModel = DataModelService.dataLoaded();

    dataFromAPI.then(function (data) {

        $scope.totalItems = data.total_tweet_count;

        if ($scope.volumeChartChanged) {

            $scope.volumeChartChange = false;



        else {









I know I am asking a lot, and would be very grateful for your help.

Research and resources:$q

Chain promises with AngularJS


As per the great feedback and comments from Paulson Peter and suzo, the following would be the answer to my question:

As my main function (formatDataAccordingToLocation)is inside my returned successful $http call, there is no need for me to chain these method calls with promises, and in doing so, delaying my execution.

Collected from the Internet

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