Node JS Server Requests using buttons


I'm currently working on creating a menu for my Node JS application and I haven't figured out how to make server requests without using the browsers navigation bar.

My directory structure is as follows.



My nodeserver.js is as follows

// main

var gv_http = null;
var gv_filestream = null;
var gv_server = null;

// screens

var gv_index = null;
var gv_other = null;
var gv_notfound = null;

// set variables

gv_http = require('http');
gv_filestream = require('fs');
gv_server = gv_http.createServer();

gv_index = require('./screens/index');
gv_other = require('./screens/other');
gv_notfound = require('./screens/notfound');

// server

gv_server.on('request', function(request, response) {

   switch(request.url) {

      case '/':
      case '/index':

      case '/other':





This bit all works fine but the only way I can trigger my case statement is by typing into the browser which brings up my javascript screens.

One of the screens index.js

var gv_mainmenu = null;

gv_mainmenu = require('./elements/mainmenu');

var gui = function(response) {

   response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type':'text/html'});

      '<html>' +

      '<button id="butt_index">' +
      '   index' +
      '</button>' +
      '<button id="butt_other">' +
      '   other' +


      '</body>' +



function sendrequest() {

   console.log("request sent");


module.exports.gui = gui;

Is it possible to simulate this using one of the html buttons? I've only seen this happen with frameworks like Express but I don't want to use one of these while still learning.


I know my code may look weird to JavaScript experts but I follow the coding standards of the people I work with and we code primarily with Genero so I try to keep it familiar to them and myself.

Kevin Doveton

Easiest solution is to add an anchor tab to your buttons so they link to your new page.

'<a href="/index"><button id="butt_index">' +
  '   index' +

Collected from the Internet

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