Redirect Using PHP Method Chaining?

Hamed Qaderi

Let's say we want to redirect a user to a form page with some errors after submitting. I have this method in my controller.

return redirect('create')->withErrors($errors)->withInputs($inputs);

Now I have a helper function named redirect which returns a new Redirect object.

function redirect($fileName)
 return new Redirect($fileName);

and here is the sturcture of Redirect class

class Redirect

  public function __construct($fileName)
    header("Location: " . $fileName);

    return $this;

  public function withErros($errors)
    $_SESSION['errors'] = $errors;

    return $this;

  public function withInputs($inputs)
    $_SESSION('inputs') = $inputs;

    return $this;

The first chaining method (withErrors) runs correctly and I can show errors in my view. But the second one (withInputs) never runs. I think it's because of header function in PHP. Can somebody help me, please?

class Redirect
  protected $filename;
  public function __construct($fileName)
  public function __destruct()
  public function withErros($errors)
      $_SESSION['errors'] = $errors;
      return $this;
  public function withInputs($inputs)
      $_SESSION('inputs') = $inputs;
      return $this;
  public function redirect(){
      header("Location: " . $this->filename);

This can be a solution.

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