Start a Windows service from a batch script and take appropriate action based on result


I have a .bat script that attempts to start a Windows service at the end.

set /p wildfly_service_name="Enter Wildfly service name: "
echo INFO: Starting %wildfly_service_name%...
call net start "%wildfly_service_name%"

I want to be able to interpret the result of the net start attempt so that I can have my script take the appropriate action if it fails (e.g. if the service is already running, restart it. If the service name is invalid, re-prompt for the name again, if the user doesn't have sufficient privileges, exit).

The problem is that the NET command does not return the documented Win32_Service class codes.

It does echo errors on the console, however:

The requested service has already been started.

More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2182.

See for a list of the errors.

Unforunately, the errorlevel variable is always 2 in these error cases, so I can't rely on that.

What I'm now trying to do is run a FIND on the output of the NET command, searching for specific error codes and act upon them.

net start Wildfly 2>&1 | FIND "2182"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto service_already_running

So, the result of the FIND is stored in errorlevel and I can check to see if the FIND succeeded by checking if errorlevel is 0. This works.

Now, the problem comes when I want to check for more than one error code. I don't know how to expand the code above to check for "2185" as well, for example, and goto a different label in that case.

I'm now attempting to store the entire result of the NET command into a variable, and then run a FINDSTR on that variable.

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "output_cnt=0"
for /F "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b') do (
    set /a output_cnt+=1
    set "output[!output_cnt!]=%%f"
for /L %%n in (1 1 !output_cnt!) DO echo !output[%%n]!

This should store and echo each line of the output, however the last line doesn't seem to do anything.

And then I've also found some code that should search within a variable and return whether or not that string was found:

echo.%output%|findstr /C:"2182" >nul 2>&1 && echo Found || echo Not found.

I've had no luck putting it all together though. I just want to be able to interpret the result of the NET START <SERVICE> and jump to certain labels based on the result.


I want to be able to interpret the result of the net start attempt

so that I can have my script take the appropriate action if it fails (e.g. if the service is already running, restart it. If the service name is invalid, re-prompt for the name again, if the user doesn't have sufficient privileges, exit).

Start the service as you are already doing:

net start "%wildfly_service_name%"

Now check the status of the service.

There are two ways to do this.

  1. Use net start again to see if the service is running:

    net start | find "%wildfly_service_name%" > nul
    if errorlevel 1 echo The service is not running
  2. Use sc (Service Control) to check the service status:

    SC query %wildfly_service_name% | find "STATE" | find "STOPPED"


    sc query %wildfly_service_name% | find "STATE" | find "RUNNING"

    The two statements above will return %errorlevel% = 1 if the text is not found.

Further Reading

  • An A-Z Index of the Windows CMD command line - An excellent reference for all things Windows cmd line related.
  • net - The NET Command is used to manage network resources.
  • sc - Service Control - Create, Start, Stop, Query or Delete any Windows SERVICE.

Collected from the Internet

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