Using C++ classes in C: How to properly write some sort of "delete/dispose" function?

סטנלי גרונן

I need to use a C++ class in C code.

With such a C++ class:

class MyClass 
    void myFunction()
        cout << "Value = " << m_value;

    int m_value;

I have the following wrapper:

typedef void CMyClass;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

CMyClass * new_MyClass();
void c_myFunction(const CMyClass * ptr);
void c_dispose( ??? ); // to delete/destruct

#ifdef __cplusplus

// implementation below:

CMyClass * new_CMyClass() 
    MyClass * ptr = new MyClass();
    return (CMyClass*)ptr;

void c_myFunction(const CMyClass * ptr) 
    MyClass * tmp = (MyClass*)ptr;

void c_dispose( ??? )
    /* ??? */

I would like just to make sure I won't have any problems like memory leaks, zombie pointers, with my c_dispose function.

How to properly write the complete code for c_dispose(???) to delete the previously created (with new_CMyClass()) object instance?

Bence Kaulics

A possible solution would be to simply call the delete once you casted the C type to C++ class.

void c_dispose(CMyClass * ptr){
    MyClass * tmp = (MyClass*)ptr;  
    delete tmp;

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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