Pressing the tilde key (~) waits for a second key stroke, how do I disable this?


When pressing tilde in Windows 7, using a Swedish keyboard layout, the computer waits for a second key to be pressed. The reason behind the wait is to allow users the ability to construct characters such as ã and ñ, which I never type. Can I disable this so that pressing tilde once actually generates a tilde?


First, download and install Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator. Then, follow these steps:

  • open KLC and go to File -> Load Existing Keyboard...
  • select your keyboard layout and click OK
  • when the layout has loaded, double-click on the key that produces the tilde character

enter image description here

  • in the new window, click "All..."

enter image description here

  • find the combination that produces the tilde character and uncheck the "Dead Key?" checkbox

enter image description here

  • click OK
  • optional: go to Project -> Test Keyboard Layout to make sure the key behaves the way you want to
  • optional: go to Project -> Properties and change the layout name and description
  • go to Project -> Build DLL and Setup Package, wait for the process to complete and click Yes to open the directory where the setup files are located
  • run the setup.exe file to install the new layout
  • finally, go to Regional Settings in Control Panel (or use the Language Bar) to switch to the new layout

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