Ghost user processes that restart?


So, I have a home version of Win10. There's an admin account and then user accounts for the family. When I log in to my account as an ordinary user and view the processes via taskmanager it shows that another user is "disconnected" in the status but their account is using 0.1-0.3% CPU and about 300MB of memory. The user hasn't logged on since boot and there are no remote sessions.

Why do these processes start, can I stop them?

When, for example in procexp64, I try to kill the processes it seems they will all end except sihost, if you kill that one Windows starts all the other processes up and a new copy of sihost too.

Any way to get MS Windows to behave? Is this normal or do I have malware??

Windows Defender scan reports nothing and VirusTotal returns 0 hits on any of the running processes (but perhaps there are other hidden processes?).

A consequence of this is that when shutting down, having only logged in one user, windows doesn't proceed with the shutdown request but instead stalls waiting for confirmation as "someone else is still using this PC" or somesuch; obviously no one else is using it as the only user to log in is the one logging out. You can "shutdown anyway" but if you're not paying attention and leave Windows to log itself off then it can hang waiting for the confirmation.


procexp64 output


I found a report noting that Win10 works differently when turning-off and then on to what it does when restarting.

This appears to be what's happening, Windows makes ghost processes for the previous user presumably so when that user logs in login is faster; but our use (3 users in sequence) means these processes are always wasted.

To prevent them one can reboot (but turning off-then-on causes them to be made). The processes are always started for the previous user before the computer was turned off.

Corollary to this is to get a clean restart on Win10 one must restart, not power-cycle.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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