Div blinking while resize

Etienne Arthur

I am working on a bootstrap based website and I have the following case : A main container and a floating left navigation menu. The floating left navigation menu, is set to position fixed, because it is following the user scroll.

problem description with the image What I would like is when the end user resize the window, and when the main content meets the left menu (overlap), the left menu becomes hidden, and when there is enough space the left menu comes back.

Actually, it is not really working, it is blinking. I have written a little bit of jquery binded to the resize function. Here is the jsfiddle :


function getDiffLeftMenu(div1, div2) {
    var value = ($(div1).offset().left - $(div2).offset().left);
    console.log(value  - $(div2).width());
    if(value - $(div2).width() < 0){
        return true;

$(window).on('resize', function(event) {

    var value = ($('.central-content').offset().left - $('#sectionsMenu').offset().left);
    else {


Is this possible to not have this blinking effet ? Thanks a lot for any help. Regards.

Slaven Tomac

Here's the solution with your logic, .hide() method causes it to have offset 0 and that's why it's blinking (it can get stuck as hidden all the time).


function getDiffLeftMenu(div1, div2) {
    var value = ($(div1).offset().left - $(div2).offset().left);
    console.log(value  - $(div2).width());
    if(value - $(div2).width() < 0){
        return true;

By using opacity offset will stay there.

$(window).on('resize', function(event) {

        var value = ($('.central-content').offset().left - $('#sectionsMenu').offset().left);
            $('#sectionsMenu').css('opacity', 0);
        else {
            $('#sectionsMenu').css('opacity', 1);


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