Spawned Node (.exe) process doesnt catch stderr messages


So I am having some trouble with Node and spawning processes here..

I am spawning an external exe process as such:

            var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(logPath);

            writeStream.write(new Date().toString() + " : " + type + " : LOG STARTED ");

            var process = cp.spawn(fileNameExecutable, paramArray, {
                cwd: pathToExecutable

            process.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
                writeStream.write(new Date().toString() + " : " + type + " stdout : " + string);

            var errorLog = "";
            process.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
                errorLog += data;
                writeStream.write(new Date().toString() + " : " + type + " stderr : " + data );

            process.on("exit", function (exitcode) {
                if (exitcode === 1) {
                    done(new Error(errorLog));
                } else {

Problem is that this code only catches the stdout of the process for some reason.. Everything which is outputted over stderr doesnt arrive at the listener.

I know there is stderr output because when I am running the same command over commandline and attach

> stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt

to redirect both streams into a textfile, I am getting messages in both my stderr.txt and stdout.txt

Does anybody have any ideas why the stderr listener is not getting these messages in my JS code ?


Ok, so I finally found the solution..

The application is a QT based C++ app with the following behavior:

Where is located the qDebug qWarning qCritical and qFatal log by default on Qt?

In short: by setting QT_LOGGING_TO_CONSOLE to 1 before node startup it gets logged correctly.

Collected from the Internet

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