Optimizing SQL query on table of 10 million rows: neverending query


I have two tables:

  id integer NOT NULL,
  link_geom geometry,
  source integer,
  target integer,
  traveltime_min double precision,
  CONSTRAINT routing_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
  WITH (

 CREATE INDEX routing_id_idx
    ON routing
    USING btree

CREATE INDEX routing_link_geom_gidx
 ON routing
 USING gist

CREATE INDEX routing_source_idx
 ON routing
 USING btree

CREATE INDEX routing_target_idx
 ON routing
 USING btree


 link_id character varying,
 link_geom geometry,
 id integer NOT NULL,
 .. (some more attributes here)
 traveltime_min double precision,
 CONSTRAINT test_link_id_key UNIQUE (link_id)
 OWNER TO postgres;

and I am trying to appy the follwing query:

update routing
set  traveltime_min = t2.traveltime_min
from test t2
where t2.id = routing.id 

Both tables have near 10 millions rows. The problem is that this query runs neverending. Here what 'EXPLAIN' shows:

Update on routing  (cost=601725.94..1804772.15 rows=9712264 width=208)
 ->  Hash Join  (cost=601725.94..1804772.15 rows=9712264 width=208)
       Hash Cond: (routing.id = t2.id)"
        ->  Seq Scan on routing  (cost=0.00..366200.23 rows=9798223 width=194)"
        ->  Hash  (cost=423414.64..423414.64 rows=9712264 width=18)"
            ->  Seq Scan on test t2  (cost=0.00..423414.64 rows=9712264 width=18)"

I cannot understand what might cause the problem of such a slow response. Is it possible to be a problem caused from the server settings? The thing is that i use the default postgrSQL 9.3 settings.

Laurenz Albe

Drop all indexes on routing before you run the UPDATE and add them again afterwards. That will bring a huge improvement.

Set work_mem high in the session where you run the UPDATE. That will help with the hash.
Set shared_buffers to ¼ of the available memory, but not more than 1GB.

Collected from the Internet

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