PHP: capture a multiline substring


I have a long multiline string (its in a file that I can load into a string), lets take this as example:

<response status="success" code="19">
  <result total-count="1" count="1">
<response status="success" code="19">
  <result total-count="1" count="1">
          <entry name="default">

I need to extract the system subset of this and have it in a string with the following content taken from above example:


In my use case both the original sample is much much larger as well as the text inside the system is a little bit larger


ok, i found a solution to do this:

preg_match_all('/(<system>.*<\/system>)/ms', file_get_contents('./myinputfile'), $xmlinit);
file_put_contents('./myoutputfile', $output );

Recommendations for improvements are welcome!

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