Pandas and apply function to match a string


I have a df column containing various links, some of them containing the string "search".

I want to create a function that - being applied to the column - returns a column containing "search" or "other".

I write a function like:

search = 'search'
def page_type(x):
if x.str.contains(search):
    return 'Search'
    return 'Other'   


but it gives me an error like:

AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'str'

I guess I'm missing something when calling the str.contains().


I think you need numpy.where:

df = pd.DataFrame({'link':['search','homepage d','login dd', 'profile t', 'ff']})

print (df)
0      search
1  homepage d
2    login dd
3   profile t
4          ff
search = 'search'
profile = 'profile'
homepage = 'homepage'
login = "login"

def page_type(x):
    if search in x:
        return 'Search'
    elif profile in x:
        return 'Profile'
    elif homepage in x:
        return 'Homepage'
    elif login in x:
        return 'Login'
        return 'Other'  

df['link_new'] = df['link'].apply(page_type)

df['link_type'] = np.where(,'Search', 
                  np.where(, 'Homepage', 

print (df)
         link  link_new link_type
0      search    Search    Search
1  homepage d  Homepage  Homepage
2    login dd     Login     Login
3   profile t   Profile   Profile
4          ff     Other     Other


#[5000 rows x 1 columns]
df = pd.DataFrame({'link':['search','homepage d','login dd', 'profile t', 'ff']})
df = pd.concat([df]*1000).reset_index(drop=True)

In [346]: %timeit df['link'].apply(page_type)
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.72 ms per loop

In [347]: %timeit np.where(,'Search', np.where(,'Profile', np.where(, 'Homepage', np.where(,'Login','Other'))))
100 loops, best of 3: 11.7 ms per loop

Collected from the Internet

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edited at


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